Nursing School: 3 Resources You Need to be Using to Pass Your Classes

March 24, 2019

Are you ready for spring break? I remember looking forward to breaks in nursing school because it generally meant that I could use that time to get ahead. As much as I wanted to just shut the books and forget about school, I knew that I could not because the NCLEX was fast approaching. It really is never too early to start reviewing content and keeping up on concepts you are learning about. Here are some things I wish I had used in nursing school:

NRSNG Academy

I did not hear about them till I was studying for my NCLEX and by that time I did not want to cram information in but used it as supplementation for material I was continuing to get wrong. NRSNG’s mission is to supplement your education with clear and concise courses and resources from nurses who actually want to teach! Now it has been a while since I used them, but they seem to continue to knock it out of the park. Just recently they created mobile-ready content so you can study anytime and anywhere. What I love most about them though is that they offer content in a variety of ways: nursing cheat sheets, mnemonics, podcasts, videos, flashcards, and case studies. Here is my affiliate link if you want to check them out.
And if you have any questions, reach out to them on Instagram. They have the best customer service around!

Unbound Nursing Central App

Now you guys have seen me partner with them before, but I constantly use their app at work! I’m mostly accessing Davis drug guide on my phone, but I know if I was still in school that I would have used it a ton! I love the drug guide because I have a hard time remembering those rare chemotherapy drugs. I’m able to quickly look up on my phone the mechanism of action, how to administer, side effects with the common ones underlined, Y-site compatibility, and patient education. It has been a lifesaver.

Sketchy Nursing

If you are like me, then you are a very visual and auditory learner. To be honest, I might be all three! Just recently Sketchy Medical started Sketchy Nursing to help us through dreaded pharmacology. I was able to experience first hand how fun the stories are and how their icons really help to solidify knowledge. They even have their own Qbank so that you can test what you learned! My only complaint was that they did not have any oncologic drugs for sketches but maybe I can help with that! ;)

There you have it, three simple nursing resources that I would have used throughout my whole nursing journey!

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